Who is No Frack Ohio?

The No Frack Ohio Coalition is composed of member organizations and individuals who signed on to a Statewide Moratorium letter in the Spring of 2011.  Since the original sign on campaign, these groups and individuals have worked across Ohio on outreach to Elected Officials at all levels of government, landowner education, and mobilizing members for activism.

Click here to add you or your organization to the list!

March 7, 2011

Dear Members of the 129th Ohio General Assembly:

The plans for industrial-scale drilling in the Marcellus and Utica formations of Ohio pose a direct and material threat to the interests of the undersigned organizations and our tens of thousands of individual members throughout the State of Ohio.

The use of high volume hydraulic fracturing with horizontal drilling of the deep shale formation presents significant risk to public health, safety and the environment. As the use of this relatively new technology has increased nationally, the number of documented spills, blowouts, leaking wells, and other accidents is shocking and the environmental and human consequences have been very serious.  For example:

  •  An explosion and fire at the Chesapeake Appalachia LLC Powers gas well site in Avella, PA, injured three workers on February 23, 2011.  DEP investigators reportedly found the fire started as a result of fumes escaping five tanks capable of holding a total of 21,000 gallons of flammable fluid known as wet gas or condensate, contained in natural gas.
  • Methane and other toxins contaminated an aquifer serving 19 families in Dimock, Pennsylvania, resulting in a $4.1 million dollar settlement against Cabot Oil and Gas.   
  • Wells in Sublette County, Wyoming, contaminated with a variety of toxic compounds used in hydraulic fracturing, including benzene, a toxic chemical known to cause leukemia and aplastic anemia, at 1500 times the safe level for people.  Similarly, 1.6 million gallons of hydraulic fracturing fluids escaped into the ground water in Parachute, Colorado 
  • A study by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality found that pollutants from natural gas drilling in the Barnett Shale field were greater than those produced by all of the vehicular traffic in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area.

In addition, the withdrawal of millions of gallons of fresh water required for such operations’ hydraulic fracturing cycle will not only significantly impact Ohio’s water resources, but seriously infringe upon the constitutionally protected property rights in groundwater for an untold number of landowners.  Further, due to the absence of local zoning and surface property protections, and use of mandatory pooling, landowners face losing essential property interests.  

The state lacks the strong and necessary regulations, enforcement capacity, and water treatment capacity, to protect Ohioans and Ohio’s natural environment as it relates to this industrial activity.  Recently passed SB 165 did not contemplate nor incorporate any protections specific to the unprecedented scale and foreseeable risk of deep-shale drilling and horizontal hydraulic fracturing.<

Therefore, the undersigned organizations and individuals conclude that deep-shale hydraulic fracturing presents an unacceptable risk and is not safe under current conditions.  Thus, we urge the General Assembly to immediately issue a moratorium ordering the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) to withhold approval of new well permits involving high volume hydraulic fracturing of horizontal shale, exploration, or extraction until such time as these drilling practices are demonstrated to be safe for the environment and human health and are properly and effectively regulated.




Ohio Organizations and Businesses

Action Travel Center, Inc. - Arlene M. Goldberg, President - Solon, Ohio

Appalachian Ohio Group- Sierra Club - Executive Committee - Dana Carlson - Athens, Ohio

Appalachian Staple Foods Collaborative - Michelle Ajamian - Millfield, Ohio

Athens Bicycle Co-operative - Eric Cornwell - Athens, Ohio

Buckeye Forest Council - Cheryl Johncox, Director - Columbus, Ohio

Center for Health, Environment and Justice - Lois Gibbs, Executive Director - Falls Church, VA/Ohio

Communities United for Action - Marilyn Evans,  Executive Director - Cincinnati, Ohio

Community Action Alliance - Lindell V. Riddle, Executive Director - Mayfield, Ohio 

Community Food Initiatives - Molly Jo Stanley - Athens, Ohio

Community Food Initiatives (CFI) and The WIngnuttery - Kurt Belser - Athens, Ohio

Concerned Citizens for SAFER Drilling - Jeanne Cebulla - Hiram, Ohio

Concerned Citizens of Lake Twp./Uniontown - Chris Borello, President - Canton, Ohio

Concerned Citizens of Medina County - Katharine Jones - Wadsworth, Ohio 

IEL Superfund Site & Concerned Citizens of Stark - Chris Borello, President - Canton, Ohio

Concerned Citizens of Mid Ohio - Gregory L. Miller - Loudonville, Ohio

Earth Day Coalition - Chris Trepal, Executive Director - Cleveland, Ohio

EARTHWORKS Oil and Gas Accountability Project - Nadia Steinzor - Willow, NY

ECO, Environmental Community Organization - Sara Ernst - Cincinnati, Ohio

Environment Ohio - Julian Boggs - Columbus, Ohio

Environmental Health Watch - Stuart Greenberg, Executive Director - Cleveland, Ohio

Enviroscapes Landscape Design - Kathryn Hanratty, Owner  - Chardon, Ohio 

Food and Water Watch - Alex Beauchamp, Midwest Director - Washington, DC

Green Environmental Coalition - Vickie Hennessy, President - Yellowsprings, Ohio

Laurel Valley Creamery - Celestial Nolan - Gallipolis, Ohio

League of Women Voters of Ohio - Meg Flack, President - Columbus, Ohio

NEOGAP - Vanessa Pesec, President - Concord Twp, Ohio

Northeast Ohio American Friends Service Committee - Greg Coleridge, Director - Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 

Ohio Chapter Sierra Club - Bob Shields - Columbus, Ohio

Ohio Environmental Council - Trent Doughety, Esq - Columbus, Ohio 

Ohio Ecological Food & Farm Association - MacKenzie Bailey, Policy Coordinator - Columbus, OH

ProgressOhio.org - Brian Rothenberg, Executive Director - Columbus, Ohio

R-D Bike Shop,L.L.C. - Ruth Kaser - Barberton, Ohio

Rebecca Ray Designs - Rebecca Y. Smith

The Kennedy Group - Michael Kennedy, President - Gates Mills, Ohio

The Mismas Law Firm, LLC - John Mismas, Owner - Willoughby, Ohio

Trumbull County Township Association - Mark S. Finamore, President - Warren, Ohio

Voices for the Forest - Cheryl Carpenter - Lucasville, Ohio

West Ohio Conference United Methodist Women - Sue Stutz, President - Hilliard, Ohio

Williams County Alliance - Sherry Fleming - Bryan, Ohio

Wood County Citizens Opposed to Factory Farms - Vickie Askins - Cygnet, Ohio


Individual Ohioans

Joan R. Ackerman - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Rachel Ackerman - Willoughby, Ohio

Sarah Acomb - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Patricia Adams - Canton, Ohio

Greer Aeschbury - Westerville, Ohio

Fatima Allen - Cleveland, Ohio

Pam Allen - Hartville, Ohio

Erik Anderson - Cleveland, Ohio

Leon Anderson - Athens, Ohio

Joyce Appell - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Joel Atkinson - Columbus, Ohio

Steve Babbey - Newton Falls, Ohio

Paul Bagocius - Canal Fulton, Ohio

Douglas Bailey - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Teny Bannick - Glouster, Ohio

Thomas J. Barnet - Middlefield, Ohio

Bekki Shining Bearheart - New Marchfield, Ohio

David Bell - Athens, Ohio

Lillian Bercari - Bidwell, Ohio

Deborah Bickhart - Loudonville, Ohio

Roger Bickhart - Loudonville, Ohio

Christina Bidwell - Chesterland, Ohio

Todd Bidwell - Chesterland, Ohio

Josh Birnbaum - Athens, Ohio

Emily Blanchard - Cleveland, Ohio

Spence Bomar - Athens, Ohio

John C. Borden - Shiloh, Ohio

Danielle Bourdeaux - Athens, Ohio

Colleen Bowers - Diamond, Ohio

Karen Boyle, Ph.D. - E. Palestine, Ohio

James Breedlove - Girard, Ohio

Lillian Breedlove - Girard, Ohio

Robert Breyley - Spencer, Ohio

Calvin Breyley - Streetsboro, Ohio

Kent Bristal - Yellow Springs, Ohio

John Brovarone - Ravenna, Ohio

Barbara Brovarone - Ravenna, Ohio

David H. Brown - Beavercreek, Ohio

Darla Bruno - Canton, Ohio

Gary Bryant - Chagrin Falls, Ohio

Betsey Bryant - Chagrin Falls, Ohio

Geoffrey Buckley - Athens, Ohio

Bernard Bujakowski - Broadview Heights, Ohio

Ellyn Burnes - Athens, Ohio

Maureen Burns-Hooker - Athens, Ohio

Janice Bushi - Broadview Hts, Ohio

Linda Butler - Gates Mills, Ohio

Josephine C. Caffrey - Cleveland, Ohio

Joe Campbell - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Glenn Campbell - Lakewood, Ohio

Dennis Cardello - Garrettsville, Ohio

Dana Carlson - Athens, Ohio

Ilona Carlson - Athens, Ohio

Richard Carlson - Athens, Ohio

Cheryl Carpenter - Lucasville, Ohio

Gary Carter - Beloit, Ohio

Colleen Cebulla - Worthington, Ohio

Jeanne Cebulla - Hiram, Ohio

Diane Chiddister - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Louis Chodkiewicz - Broadview Heights, Ohio 

Mary M.Cirelli - Canton, Ohio

Alvin Clark - Bellevue, Ohio

Juanita Clark - Bellevue, Ohio

Carole Clement - Mentor, Ohio

Emily Cline - Athens, Ohio

Pam Conine - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Michelle Corrigan - Athens, Ohio

Gregory S. Costabile, Esq - Mayfield Heights, Ohio

Mary Cote - Athens, Ohio

Franklin Cox - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Marjorie Crowder - Columbus, Ohio

Robert D. Crum - Mayfield Hts, Ohio

Susann Telmanik Dalesio - Broadview Height, Ohio

Debby Dalton - Bryan, Ohio

Katie Davis - Bay Village, Ohio

Sandra Davis - Mayfield Hts, Ohio

Karen Rene Dawn - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Lisa Dawn - Fairborn, Ohio

Maureen Dawn - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Sara Rose Dealoia - Dayton and Athens, Ohio

Joshua A. Deily, PhD - Columbus, Ohio

Charles Delpapa - Lisbon, Ohio

Bea Delpapa - Lisbon, Ohio

Mrs. Kristin P Demetriou - Gates Mills, Ohio

Rev. Jim Deming - Cleveland, Ohio

Andrea DeMott, - Athens, Ohio 

John Denker - Twinsburg, Ohio

Carol Donley - Hiram, Ohio

Gloria Donnelly - Mayfield Heights, Ohio

Frans Doppen - Athens, Ohio

Libbey Drockton - Chesterland, Ohio

James C Drockton - Chesterland, Ohio

Dorothy Drockton - Chesterland, Ohio

Thomas J Drockton - Chesterland, Ohio

Gregory Drockton - Chesterland, Ohio

Patrick Drockton - Chesterland, Ohio

Tom Drockton  - Chesterland, Ohio

Phyllis Duckwall - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Ellen N. Duell - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Eric Dunkle - Canton, Ohio

Lorna Dunn - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Tim Dussel - Fostoria, Ohio

Sara Lynn Early - Beloit, Ohio

Kimberly Elahab - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Faith Esker - Medina, Ohio

Jerry Esker - Medina, Ohio

Mike Evans - Mayfield Village, Ohio

Rebecca Begle Fair - Clifton, Ohio

V Dawn Falleur - Fairborn, Ohio

Michael Falleur - Westerville, Ohio

Jim Farwell - Broadview Heights, Ohio

Mary Fash - Highland Heights, Ohio

Roy Fash - Highland Heights, Ohio

Richard Feinberg - Brady Lake, Ohio

Pingfu Feng - Broadview Heights, Ohio

Sean Fenstemaker - Athens, Ohio

Amy R. Feran - Highland Heights, Ohio

Ashley Ferguson - Atlanta, GA

Donna R. Finney - Mayfield Heights, Ohio 

Stan Fischer - Hiram, Ohio

Gwen Fischer - Hiram, Ohio

Stanley Fischer - Hiram, Ohio

Patricia Fitzgerald - Aurora, Ohio

Louise Fleming, Ph.D., - Ashland, Ohio

Liz Florentino - Athens, Ohio

Mary Anne Flournoy - Athens, Ohio

Barbara Forster - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Natalie Fox - Athens, Ohio

Larry Frankel - Gates Mills, Ohio

Colleen Fried - Hiram, Ohio

Brenda Fuller - East Canton, Ohio

Vicki Garrett - Columbus, Ohio 

Barbara Gaskins - Streetsboro, Ohio

David Gedeon - Athens, Ohio

Mary G Gibson - Louisville, Ohio

Christopher Gilbert - Fairview Park, Ohio

Allison Gilbert - Fairview Park, Ohio

Eric Gilliland - Athens, Ohio

Eliana Golding - Oberlin, Ohio

John Gorrell - Dover, Ohio

Gloria M. Green - Perrysburg, Ohio

Bob Greenbaum - Cleveland, Ohio

Charles Griffin - Cincinnati, Ohio

Nancy Grim - Brady Lake, Ohio

Joyce Grimes - Cedarville, Ohio

Christine Guimenti - Dover, Ohio

Melissa Guziak - Delaware, Ohio

Martin Hammer - Logan, Ohio

Rebecca Hanna - Cedarville, Ohio

Lynda D. Hardman - Springfield, Ohio

Allan C. Harris - Cincinnati, Ohio

Shirley Hatfield - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Joana Hattery - Shiloh, Ohio

John C. Hattery - Shiloh, Ohio

Shannon Healey - Athens, Ohio

Kathleen Hennessy - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Marie Hertzler - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Patricia High - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Lauren Hines - Columbus, Ohio

Linda Hood - Columbus, Ohio

Garry Hood - Columbus, Ohio

Solineh Hovis - Lake Milton, Ohio

Timothy Hovis - Lake Milton, Ohio

Solo Hovis - Lake Milton, Ohio

Lowell Howard - Powell, Ohio

Sarah Husk - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Ferenc Hutterer - Kent, Ohio

Molly Jacob - Lakewood, Ohio

Ellis Jacobs - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Leila S. Jacobs - Broadview Heights, Ohio

C. Jean Jarosz - Ravenna, Ohio

Theodora Joeright - Garrettsville, Ohio

Badger Johnson - Cincinnati, Ohio

Valerie Joseph - Chesterland, Ohio

Judith Junda - Willoughby, Ohio

Marcy Kaiser - Washingtonville, Ohio

Keith Kaiser - Washingtonville, Ohio

Nachy Kanfer - Columbus, Ohio

Don Kaser - Barberton, Ohio

Jan Kennedy - Mansfield, Ohio

Michael Kennedy - Gates Mills, Ohio

Terri Kennedy - Gates Mills, Ohio

David Kennedy - Newbury, Ohio

Carolyn Kennedy - Newbury, Ohio

Sandy King - Springfield, Ohio

Peggy Koebernick - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Deacon Kollman - Streetsboro, Ohio

Gregory Kremer - Athens, Ohio

Jeff Kremis - Greenville, Pa

Mike Kubisek - Coolville, Ohio

Bryan Kuhre - Athens, Ohio

Esther Kuhre - Athens, Ohio

John Kukura - Upper Arlington, Ohio

Sharon Kukura - Upper Arlington, Ohio

Brandon LaBonte - Athens, Ohio

Heather Landers - Dublin, Ohio

Tracy Leinbaugh, - Athens, Ohio

Beth Lenzi - Youngstown, Ohio 

Marty Lesher - Olmsted Twp, Ohio 

Kate LeVesconte - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Daniel L Lincoln - Magnolia, Ohio

Joseph Lincoln - Magnolia, Ohio

Nancy Lindemood - Cincinnati, Ohio

Linda Linder - Clyde, Ohio

Donna Lipsitt - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Lawrence Lohman - Hudson, Ohio

Mary Beth Lohse - Pomeroy, Ohio

John Lohse - Pomeroy, Ohio

Melody Long - Chillicothe, Ohio

Sandy Love - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Valentina Lubarsky - Cleveland, Ohio

Craig Lucas - Kent, Ohio

Geneva E. Lucke - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Amy Mackey - McArthur, Ohio

Phyllis Mahaney - Canal Fulton, Ohio 

Peter K Maizitis - North Royalton, Ohio

Irene Maizitis - North Royalton, Ohio

Jenna Mallett  - Brooklyn, NY

Sandy Mangan - Granger Twp, Ohio     

Mark Mangan - Granger Twp, Ohio     

Sehvilla Mann - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Justin Manors - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Patricia A. Marida - Columbus, Ohio

Gwen Marshall - Cincinnati, Ohio

Ryan Martyn - Columbus, Ohio

Anthony Massoli - Suffield Township, Ohio 

Francine Massoli  - Suffield Township, Ohio 

Marco Massoli - Suffield Township, Ohio 

Brian Maughan - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Bob McClaine - Xenia, Ohio

Gladys McComb - Port Washington, Ohio

Richard McComb - Port Washington, Ohio

Annette McCormick -  Lucas, Ohio

Patricia McGreevy - Mayfield Village, Ohio

Elise McMath - Amesville, Ohio

Nevin Mercede - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Liz Mersky - Cedarville, Ohio

Jennifer Mesaros - Dayton, Ohio

Essam Mikhail - Athens, Ohio

Margot Milcetich - Ravenna, Ohio

Gregory L. Miller - Loudonville, Ohio

Deborah Cowden Miller - Loudonville, Ohio

Susan Miller - Cleveland Heights, Ohio

Kelly  Monigold - New Philadelphia, Ohio

Beth Monigold - Bowerston, Ohio

Theresa Moran  - Athens, Ohio

Vera Marie Morrison - Athens, Ohio

Frank Movarai - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Cathy Mueller - Aurora, Ohio

Patricia M. Mula - Chesterland, Ohio

Nathan Mullins  - Portsmouth, Ohio

Wayne Munson, PhD, Professor Emeritus - Kent, Ohio

Sierra Nagay  - Windsor, Ohio

Enid Nagel - Cincinnati, Ohio

Mary Nally - Athens, Ohio

Patty Nally - Athens, Ohio

Richard A. Natoli - Girard, Ohio

Rod Nippert - Amesville, Ohio

Catherine Naueip Noonan - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Joyce Norr - Mayfield Heights, Ohio

Bonnie Oda - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Carol O'Laughlin - Streetsboro, Ohio

Priscilla Janney Pace - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Mary Palmstrom - Painesville, Ohio

Steve Pancost - Hiram, Ohio

Judith M. Parsons - Euclid, Ohio

Diana J. Partee     - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Neal Patten  - Belmont, WI

Lou Pendleton - Bryan, Ohio

Ed Perkins - Athens, Ohio

Ed Perkins - New Marshfield, Ohio 

John Pesec - Concord, Ohio

Corrine Petzl - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Joshua Philipps - Leroy, Ohio

Sam (Sandra ) Phipps Lees - Highland Heights, Ohio

Daniel Pollock - Maumee, Ohio

Diana W. Pollock - Lancaster, Ohio

Carol Pred - Mentor, Ohio

Kathleen L. Printz - Columbus, Ohio

Hayle Pruitt - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Janeal Turnbull Ravndal - Yellow Springs, Ohio

David Raybin - Kent, Ohio

Dimi Reber - Yellow Springs, Ohio 

Carol A. Redmond - Aurora, Ohio

Jeff Reich - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Kenneth Reidel   - Cincinnati, Ohio

Virgil L. Reynolds - East Liverpool, Ohio

Elizabeth Rhodes - Athens, Ohio

Jack Richards - Waynesburg, Ohio

Joni Richards - Waynesburg, Ohio

Catheriene  Richlin - Springfield, Ohio

Mary Clare Rietz - Cincinnati, Ohio

Sue Righi - Athens, Ohio

Michael Rinaldi-Eichenberg - Athens, Ohio

Alicia Rivers - Columbus, Ohio

Tom Rizzo - Akron, Ohio

Douglas Roberts - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Christine O. Roberts - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Alice Robrish - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Tami Rolli - New Philadelphia, Ohio

Ursula Roma - Cincinnati, Ohio

Stewart Rosendaul   - Bryan, Ohio

Alexa Ross - Nelsonville, Ohio

Jennifer Rowland - New Philadelphia, Ohio

Connie Rubin - N Canton, Ohio 

DeniseRunyon - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Jessica Rupright - Athens, Ohio

Kenneth S. Ryan - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Susan A. Sabetta - Mayfield Hts, Ohio

Charles E. Sabetta - Mayfield Hts, Ohio

Ken Sahl - Ashland, Ohio

Sharon Sahl - Ashland, Ohio

Madelon Salsbury - Bryan, Ohio

Carolyn Sampson - Paris Township, Ohio

Karen Savena - Broadview Hts, Ohio

Tamara Schneider - Cleveland, Ohio

Carol Schonhoft - Canton, Ohio

Kathleen S. Schulda  - Hiram, Ohio

Mary Lou Scudellari - Highland Hts, Ohio

Pat Seimer - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Cathie Severance - Mentor, Ohio

Rev. Arthur G. Severance - Mentor, Ohio

Charles Shaver - Chesterland, Ohio

Molly Shea - Marengo, Ohio

Arlene Sheak - Columbus, Ohio

Joseph A. Shearey - Cleveland, Ohio

Rick Sheridon     - Xenia, OH

Jo Shrimplin - Glenmont, Ohio

Steve Shucard - Twinsburg, Ohio

Sharon Shucard - Twinsburg, Ohio

Ann Corley Silverman  - Columbus, Ohio

George Skipper - Bentleyville, Ohio

Maxine Skuba - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Robert T. Slater - Ottawa Hills, Ohio

Aaron Smith - Athens, Ohio

Derek Smith - Chagrin Falls, Ohio

Kim Smith - Lakewood, Ohio

Fred Snell - Logan, Ohio

Diane Snider - Mayfield Hts, Ohio 

David Snider - Xenia, Ohio

Linda Sohner - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Elizabeth Spradlin - Columbus, Ohio

Lynn Staley  - Huron, Ohio

Russell Stanton - Claridon, Ohio

Bruce Stefancin - Chesterland, Ohio

Dorri Steinhoff - Bexley, Ohio

Ray Stewart - Amherst, Ohio

Marta Stone - Rock Creek, Ohio

Sue Stromberg - Mentor, Ohio

Michele A. Stuck, Solicitor - Village of Garrettsville, Ohio

Vic Sudik - Middlefield, Ohio

Julie Sweany - Lakewood, Ohio

 Martin M. Tabatcher - Mogadore, Ohio

Mary Tabatcher - Mogadore, Ohio

Julia Tague  - Columbus, Ohio

Fran Teresi - Garrettsville, Ohio

Ali Thomas - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Linda Tighe - Mantua, Ohio

James Tighe - Mantua, Ohio

Susan Tower - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Joshua Trapp     - S. Charleston, OH

Mary Trent  - Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 

Jean Triner  - Gates Mills, Ohio

Donna Turi - Mentor, Ohio

Andrea Turi - Beachwood, Ohio

Jeff  Turner - Gates  Mills, Ohio

Sandra Turner  - Gates Mills, Ohio

Kim Valentour - Athens, Ohio

Nick VanHorn - Seven Hills, Ohio

Jessica Vaught - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Kristin B. Vessey - Bowling Green, Ohio

Stephen H. Vessey, Ph.D - Bowling Green, Ohio

Theodore J.Voneida - Kent, Ohio

Swanhild B. Voneida - Kent, Ohio

Susan Walker - Uniontown, Ohio

Rick Walkey - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Marcia Wallgren - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Jack Wallingford - Mantua, Ohio

Margaret Welty - Alliance, Ohio

Fred Welty - Chardon, Ohio

Eugene Wenninger - Kent, Ohio

Lois D Whealey - Athens, Ohio

Autumn Lee White - Oberlin, Ohio

Carson Whitmore - Oberlin, Ohio

Cynthia J. Williams - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Yvonne Wingard - Yellow Springs, Ohio

Natalie Woodroofe - The Plains, Ohio

Xiaoping Yang - Broadview Hts, Ohio 

Elisa Young  - Meigs, Ohio

Steve Zarate  - Athens, Ohio

Lilah Zautner - South Euclid, Ohio

Raymond Zehler - Hamilton, Ohio

Leslie Albanese - Marysville, Ohio

Jenny Morgan - Westerville, Ohio

Terry Grange - Marengo, Ohio

Jim Clark - Marengo, Ohio

Donna Voldness - Granville, Ohio

Steven Corso - Chardon, Ohio

Heather Vahila - Malvern, Ohio

Betsy Cook - Lowell, Ohio

Arlene Goldberg - Solon, Ohio

Laura Spence - S Bloomfield, Ohio

Dan Glenboski - Cleveland, Ohio

Jim Tucker - Kent, Ohio

Jonathan Sidney - Oberlin, Ohio

Jessica Schaner - Chesterland, Ohio

CJ Hopkins - Athens, Ohio

Debbie Westheimer - Batavia, Ohio

Nancy Beaver - Waverly, Ohio

Laura Post - Athens, Ohio

Mike Lee - Columbus, Ohio

Michael Garrity - Dayton, Ohio 

Rachel King - New Albany, Ohio