From Cooperstown News Bureau Daily Star:
State Sen. James Seward supports a bill that would make it easier for towns to say no to gas drilling and hydrofracking.
Seward, R-Milford, said Wednesday that he is cosponsoring Senate bill 3472 "to give local governments veto power over natural gas drilling."
The measure would strengthen the home-rule authority of municipalities to use their land-use laws and zoning to restrict activities like drilling and hydrofracking -- the injection of gas wells with millions of gallons of water, sand and chemicals to shatter rock deep underground and increase production.
In northern Otsego County, several towns have been working to strengthen their land-use laws and prevent gas drilling, he noted.
"When it comes to horizontal drilling and hydrofracking, these are very technical and emotional issues," Seward said. "The DEC is going through its review, and we could see another version of their regulations in mid-to-late summer.
"In the meantime, I have been meeting with advocates on all sides of the issue, but I think it's significant when a local government, a town board for example, takes action with their zoning and land-use authority. I think the state should respect these actions and the ethic of home rule.
"Here, we have Otsego, Middlefield, Cherry Valley, Springfield all taking steps to respond to their residents and I think the state should respect that."
If the state strengthens home-rule authority, municipalities will have less risk of being sued and seeing their local laws overturned in court, he said.