Drilling Wastewater Disposal Options in N.Y. Report Have Problems of Their Own 
Tuesday, July 26, 2011 at 3:18PM
No Frack Ohio in Water Quality

New York's Department of Environmental Conservation took a stab at addressing the wastewater problem in the draft environmental impact statement (EIS) on gas drilling it released in September. The report said the DEC won't issue drilling permits until companies prove they can dispose of the water. The report also listed three disposal options: Injecting it into underground storage wells, trucking it to specialized treatment plants in nearby states, or having it processed at sewage plants in New York.

But ProPublica has found that none of these methods are realistic.

When asked why the report included options that aren't feasible, DEC officials said they weren't recommending the facilities, but were merely offering an inventory of possible disposal methods. Ultimately it is the responsibility of the energy companies -- not the regulators -- to solve the wastewater problem, they said.


Article originally appeared on No Frack Ohio (http://www.nofrackohio.com/).
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