Organization urging legislation to regulate gas and oil drilling
Monday, January 16, 2012 at 12:15PM
No Frack Ohio in Citizen Activists, Elected Officials, Landowners, Ohio

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio - A statewide environmental organization is urging people to lobby Oho lawmakers to change state laws regulating oil and natural gas drilling.

The Ohio Environmental Council says that municipalities have more control over liquor permits than they do over deep well injection or drilling permits. 
"The state legislature has the power to do almost anything they want here," said Deputy Director of the OEC Jack Shaner.  "We're calling on our state legislature. We want the shock waves from Youngstown to emanate all the way to the state house in Columbus and to get laws changed to put our air, land, and water first. To put people's property rights and to put our health and safety first."

Article originally appeared on No Frack Ohio (
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