Appalachia banks on natural gas, chemical plants
Tuesday, March 13, 2012 at 12:10PM
No Frack Ohio in Air Quality, Economics, Industry Influence, Jobs, Ohio, Pennsylvania, VOCs, Water Quality

The mining and manufacturing industries have a checkered environmental record in the Appalachians, with watershed contamination, chemical spills and river dumping.

Rivers and forests have been degraded by mountaintop removal mining in which the tops of mountains are shaved off to get to the coal below, sending debris into to the valley.

"Don't get me wrong, I want jobs, but I don't want an environmental wasteland when the chemical plants leave," said Steve Terry, a laborer in Moundsville, West Virginia. "I want this area to prosper, not go to hell."

Despite the plans, some are not convinced ground will be broken for the Shell chemical plant, citing decades of broken economic promises to Appalachia by politicians and corporations.

Article originally appeared on No Frack Ohio (
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