Chardon rally protests fracking 
Tuesday, April 3, 2012 at 9:23AM
No Frack Ohio in Citizen Activists, Education

Concerned community members gathered in Chardon on Saturday afternoon to protest hydraulic fracturing in Geauga County and Northeast Ohio.

To help raise awareness of the alleged dangers of the practice in hopes of getting legislation passed to ban it, about 50 people marched around Chardon square with signs and chanted slogans like "O-H-I-O, hydro-fracking's got to go."

Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is a process that sends a high-pressure mix of water, sand and chemicals underground to fracture rock and release gas and oil trapped under the earth.


The process has come under criticism, with some saying the methods contaminate an area's water and can even cause earthquakes.

The crowd eventually gathered around the gazebo at the center of the square and heard from various speakers.

Kathy Hanratty with the Network for Oil and Gas Accountability and Protection addressed protecting our natural resources.

"As water is the most precious and threatened resource on Earth, we can't allow a billion-dollar industry to damage our water," Hanratty said.

Hanratty also said the benefits of fracking do not outweigh the costs of damaging the environment.

"Of course we will make some profit in the area, but it is only crumbs compared to what the oil and gas industry will make," she said. "Does this profit, or any profit, really cover the loss of our water? Does this cover the loss of our air?" Continued...

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