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Commissioners call for tighter state regulations on fracking

The Athens News

With regard to baseline water testing, the resolution identifies a need for this in county water supplies prior to the initiation of fracking operations. The resolution calls for testing for organic and inorganic chemicals involved in the fracking process.


Gas Dependency Looming?

Prices have dropped to what virtually everyone says are unsustainable lows since advanced technology, using horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, opened up vast new resources in gas shales around the country. In less than 10 years, shales have gone from virtually nothing to about quarter of US output in 2010, according to the US Energy Information Administration.

Cal Cooper of Apache Corp. told the NARUC conference that it is "very difficult" to see gas going "above $5 anytime soon." Shale gas' sheer abundance means worry about price spikes is needless, he said.

Learning From History
piking gas prices, most recently in 2008 when gas briefly neared $14, and many utility executives remain leery of too much dependence on natural gas suppliers.

John Bear, President and CEO of the Midwest Independent System Operator (Midwest ISO), said with the short EPA compliance schedule, generators will all be turning to natural gas in the same few years, which could mean price volatility. Some analysts have already predicted price spikes in 2015-16.

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WOUB To Air Live Call-In Show On Fracking

In recent months, debates have raged about how fracking could impact the region.

Hydraulic fracturing (known as fracking) is a water-intensive industrial process that drillers use to collect the natural gas held in shale formations and it’s the topic of “Newswatch In-Depth: Fracking Frenzy” airing Tuesday, Feb. 28 at 8 p.m.

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From Gung-Ho to Uh-Oh: Charting the Government’s Moves on Fracking

Fracking has only recently become a household word, but government involvement with the drilling technique goes back decades. President Obama haschampioned the potential of natural gas drilling combined with more regulation. While there has been mounting evidence of water contamination, few regulations have been implemented. The graphic below traces officials' moves -- and levels of caution -- over time.

Follow the link to follow the chart:


Join together to fight disposal of fracking waste in your city

I read how some areas of Pennsylvania and Ohio are enjoying profits from the fracking. If these areas are making money, they should also assume the responsibility and risks of disposing of the waste products produced by this process. Dump them at home. Don't send fracking waste to Mansfield.

Mansfield doesn't profit from the proposed waste injection wells, so why should we be asked to risk the environmental risk hazards associated with them.

I am supporting the "Donations Against Injection Wells" fund established by Mansfield Finance Director Linn Steward.

I urge other concerned citizens to contribute. The only way to fight being a dumping ground is to band together. An old Ethiopian proverb says "When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion," or in this case maybe the big oil companies.

Margaret Boardman



Salazar hints at fracking disclosure

CLEVELAND, Feb. 15 (UPI) -- A lack of transparency over the chemical makeup of hydraulic fracturing fluid might strike a blow to the shale gas industry, the U.S. interior secretary said.

The United States has some of the richest deposits of shale natural gas. Critics say that chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, fluid could contaminate waters supplies.

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said the department was preparing rules that would require companies to disclose the composition of fracking fluids and call for tighter regulations to protect the environment.

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Ohio Residents Share Feelings On Fracking

Several Ohio families gathered in Columbus Tuesday with Valentines in hand to discuss how much they dislike fracking, reported ONN's Stephanie Mennecke. 

"We have to say what is in our heart. We are unable to sleep at night because these injection wells are close to our lands," Erin Renee Ripple of Amesville said.

Athens resident Sarah Conley said that she is worried the livelihood of local farmers will be jeopardized.

"They can stay on their farms and grow us good food rather than them having to sell their property because their land is being polluted because of the fracking practices. It's scary to us," Conley said.

The two families have been making Valentine's Day cards for Gov. John Kasich that said how much they love their land and water, and that they're against injection wells and fracking. 

"We are here to deliver valentines to governor Kasich on Valentine's Day.  We are bringing our love from our farm land really," Amesville resident Karen Carlson said.

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