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Cleveland Law Firm Provides Expert Legal Help with Fracking Problems and Opportunities

Several significant environmental concerns surround the fracking process. These include the potential contamination of water tables, improper disposal of waste water, and earthquakes such as the one that recently took place in Youngstown, Ohio. Property owners with water or land contaminated by a fracking well should consult Lowe Eklund Wakefield & Mulvihill Co., LPA who will carefully review the situation and offer advice on available litigation options.

In addition to the potential environmental problems, fracking is an occupation that may be very dangerous, resulting in significant injury or even death. Individuals who have been injured by any aspect of the fracking process should contact the firm for expert legal help. Lowe Eklund Wakefield & Mulvihill Co., LPA is highly experienced in assisting personal injury victims with any legal situation, including potential workers' compensation claims and injury lawsuits.

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