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Lobby the Forest Service to not allow leasing of Wayne forest for fracking

To the Editor:

This letter is intended for Anne Carey, supervisor of the Wayne National Forest.

Hello, Ms. Carey, I understand the Forest Service has yet to decide whether or not to lease acreage to the BLM for fracking along the Hocking River. Can this be true? If so, what on earth is there to decide? It seems to me to be a no-brainer!

The Forest Service received a barrage of letters from local citizens, including Ohio University President McDavis, reminding the Forest Service that the Hocking is the drinking water source for the region, not to mention providing water for crops. Athens city gets ALL of its water supply from wells in unconsolidated river aquifers.

Athens County is a model nationwide for a growing, sustainable, local food system. Have you been to the Athens Farmers Market? If you haven't, please do yourself a favor.

Fracking involves the use of carcinogenic chemicals such as benzene and other unnamed chemicals/poisons. It uses MILLIONS of gallons of water. Imagine huge trucks 24/7 taking the contaminated, irradiated water away. Just supposing an accident happens and a truckload spills into the river? Then what?

Recall the truckload of toluene (similar to benzene) that spilled into the creek near Millfield in the early '80s? Fortunately, it was a warm day and it rolled into foam; had it been cold that day, it would have gone into the creek as a liquid. Fracking near the Hocking River would be MONUMENTALLY stupid. I urge you to nip this one while it's still in the bud!

I encourage any/all of you reading this to write a letter to her with your feeling/opinion about this issue:

Anne Carey, supervisor

Wayne National Forest

13700 U.S. Rt. 33

Nelsonville, OH 45764

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July 9, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLisa Chaves

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